Since building great websites is my business, I like to keep up with the latest and greatest. However I also know that there are a lot of people who don't (or just don't know how) update their computers and browsers. While Microsoft tries with its not-so-auto "auto update", it still requires a push now and then from you, the user, to get those important security updates and new features. So you might want to go to your start menu, highlight "all programs" and at the very top you should see the "windows update" link. Run that a few times.
OK so now that you've got the latest and greatest Microsoft has to offer (you should be using Internet Explorer 8), why not venture out and try something new?
Mozilla Firefox
Firefox is whats called an open source web browser. This means that anyone who would like to help improve the browser, most certainly can help. Its kind of like Wikipedia, where anyone can contribute. Currently Firefox has the 2nd largest install base, and is only gaining in popularity. Mozilla updates Firefox often, is considered very secure, and had boat-loads of plug-ins (tools that integrate into the browser to make certain tasks simpler). Firefox sports a clean interface and displays web pages properly. Dempsey Design Approved.
Download Firefox
Apple Safari
My personal favorite browser is Safari. Safari sports an even cleaner and streamlined interface than other browsers. I find it speedier than other browsers, and prefer its RSS reader. The Top Sites feature is pretty nice too. Apple also frequently updates Safari and is also considered to be very secure. Safari also renders Dempsey Design sites properly.
Download Safari
Google Chrome
If I'm forced to use a PC, my web browser of choice is Google's Chrome. I also enjoy Chrome's very simple interface (you can use the address bar to search, type in the URL). Chrome also seems much quicker than any other browser for the PC. Who knows the triple dub better than Google? Chrome is also newly available for Mac users as "Chromium" but is still a pre-alpha build (not ready for widespread public use). Chrome is also built on the same technology as Apple's Safari.
Download Chrome (PC)
All of these browsers are free. Everyone has their own preference, but I highly encourage branching out and trying something new. None of these browsers are so different you won't be able to find your way around and more than likely you'll find a feature you really like. In no way is this a definitive guide, it is merely meant to create awareness about alternatives. All of these browsers provide a better internet experience than Internet Explorer currently provides. Do you have a favorite browser? Sound off in the comments!