Hailing from Washington State

Dempsey Design, LLC


Entries by Shon Dempsey (34)


Chamber of Commerce Newsletter Templates

The Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce contacted me to create some fresh newsletter templates for their two new event series.  Perhaps you've been to one? With only the series' titles, I created these two flyer templates for the monthly events.  Final templates were sent back as InDesign files so the Chamber could update them for each new series.

Download the March Economic Indicators PDF

Download the March Chamber Experts Series PDF


Washington State Society for Medical Assistants

I'm pleased to announce the launch of the Washington State Society for Medical Assistant's new website. WSSMA's new website is built on the Wordpress platform and is my first Wordpress effort.  I am quite pleased with the results.

WSSMA's site features an interactive "Ima M.A." question-and-answer feature, a site membership & editor feature with the potential for hundreds of users and Flickr integration. The site will be maintained by 2 primary WSSMA webmasters and each chapter will have a "pagemaster" so individual chapters can keep their own page updated. 


"New and Dynamic Communications Tool"

“Dempsey Design rebuilt our website from the ground up with a clean, modern design and greatly improved functionality. Shon Dempsey developed a clear understanding of our needs, offered useful suggestions and made it happen quickly and efficiently. He even trained our staff to update website content, so we now have a new and dynamic communications tool, not just a better website.”

-Jeff Wilkens, Executive Director, Wenatchee Valley Transportation Council
Wenatchee, WA

You can keep up with WVTC's new and dynamic communications tool at  If you'd like to read more kind words about Dempsey Design, head over to my testimonials page.  If you're ready to get started with your own new & dynamic communications tool, drop me a line and lets have a cup of joe.