Corban Security Banner-Ups
Michael Blakley, owner of Corban Security attended the NCHBA home show this year to promote his newly rebranded company. I designed the BannerUp modules for Corban's display this year. I wanted to have two BannerUps that would compliment eachother yet could stand on their own if Michael chose to only use one. The wonderful thing about Mark Bric BannerUps is that they can be used in many different promotional applications. If we need a different design for a specific event, we'll print a new banner and slide it in the BannerUp system. This gives Michael great flexibility with minimal costs for a new design.
Much like these BannerUps, my websites are designed in a similar fashion. I get my clients set up on a system that makes it super easy and cost effective to simply swap out the look and feel of the site for a minimal cost. Gone are the days of paying for a whole new website every time you want to change the look and layout of your site.
If you're interested in having Dempsey Design create your next BannerUp system or modular website, simply drop me a quick note and let's get you set up for a cost effective design future.