Interview: Geordie Romer on Social Media
Geordie Romer is an active Social Media user. I seem to bump into his tweets, posts and other web interactions on a regular basis. So as a follow-up to my Social Media post, I decided to ask Geordie a few questions about his experience with Social Media:
Hi Geordie, thanks for taking the time to answer some questions regarding your use of social media. How about a brief introduction on who you are and what you do?
Sure Shon.
I am a real estate agent in the Leavenworth and Lake Wenatchee area. Most of my clients are buying or selling vacation homes in the Leavenworth area and most of those buyers (and many sellers) live in the Seattle or Bellevue area. Real estate has really made a switch in the past few years and the internet is a big source of information for consumers, especially in my case with out of area buyers.